I would like to create a rest version of the following soap call to retreive a session token, is this possible? Soap Call to{{AdobeCampagin Server}}/nl/jsp/soaprouter.jsp Body (where strLogin=User Id and strPassword=User Password<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelo...
After further investigation it looks like the "yum install -y snowflake-odbc-2.25.4.x86_64.rpm" step executed by
./snowflake_odbc-setup.sh --snowflake 2.25.4 removed the odbc directory in /usr/lib64/snowflake. To fix this issue command "yum reinstall -y snowflake-odbc-2.25.4.x86_64.rpm" was run whi...
Using the adobe snowflake guide at Configure access to Snowflake | Adobe Campaign the snowflake instance on our adobe campaign classic dev instance (rhel) was update from snowflake-odbc-2.20.2.x86_64.rpm to snowflake-odbc-2.25.4.x86_64.rpm.
The primary part of the update was performed using the f...
@david--garcia Thanks, that helps. I don't see anything related to => Workflow path, for example for a technical work flow => administration/production/technical workflows/Work Flow Folder Name. Is this information available?
I would like to set up a generic process to retrieve specific information about a workflow via a java script node? The specific information I would like to retrieve are :1) Workflow name2) Workflow path, for example for a technical work flow => administration/production/technical workflows/Work Flo...
Thanks for the replies @Darren_Bowers and @LaurentLam, it's good to be aware of potential pitfalls. The main use for the auto restart would be for technical work flows which load data from external systems. The process would be limited to selected work flows and would generate an alert to our supp...
I have created a utility workflow which monitors specific technical work flows to ensure they are running normally. If a work flow which should be running but isn't is found the following are executed to stop and restart it (using java script) xtk.workflow.Stop(strId)xtk.workflow.Start(strId)The pr...