Hi, not so easy because you need to write the whole XHTML shebang into the exData section.Make sure your TextField is of type Richtext!Initialize event of the field: var envelope = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +"<exData contentType='text/html' xmlns='http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-templat...
Hi @manu-gupta ,I am not sure why your Document variable is disposed before you use it in your DDX. But I have created a sample of a dynamic form which would produce the kind of blank pages depending on the number of content pages.See here https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds...
Hi @manu-guptaLet's go through your points and get some clarifications:re 4.: does this mean that the PDF that you generate with DocumentService is not immediately used for assembly but goes directly to the customer as is? What is the difference between a flat PDF from DocService and the "Print vers...
Find some more ideas regarding your assembly:<DDX xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/"> <PDF result="outDoc"> <XDP> <XDP source="xdp1"/> <XFAData source="xmldata"/> </XDP> <NoXFA flatten="true"/> <BlankPage/> </PDF></DDX>This will take your XDP (all can be placed in the input...
as you have OSGi Workbench will not help you. But there are AEM Forms workflows you could use instead of Java programming. There is also an Assembler step available. See here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/forms/workflows/aem-forms-workflow-step-reference.html?lang=en
BTW, there is a Blankpage DDX tag which adds a blank page without a file. If your empty page is really empty that might be an option. DDX reference: https://helpx.adobe.com/content/dam/help/en/experience-manager/6-5/forms/pdf/ddxRef.pdf
You would not need to get the formname unless you use it to dispay something. The "Name" part in DDX and inputs map is free to use. The Map only needs to have the same string key as the name in the DDX. You could actually use "name" literally for both. No need to modify the document. And are you sur...
You can use the AssemblerService API withAssemblerResult invoke(Document ddx,
Map<String,Object> inputs,
AssemblerOptionSpec environment)
throws OperationExceptionThe DDX would contain <PDF source="<Name>"/>. you build a map for inputs wh...