Hi surenk, Could you please check the below code from "component.html". a) It is missing the model class name. You should call same like Primary button. ${model.secondarycta.renderCta} <div class="cmp-ti2c-content__second-cta">
<sly data-sly-call="${secondarycta.renderCta}"/>
Hi judahlow, I assume there are heaps of suggestions and videos are available. Out of all I personally prefer below links that explained AEM project structure and also detail explanation of the integrations. HTLAEM Project setup for beginners Component creationAngular SPA I hope this helps. Thanks, ...
Hi srujan1981,All the actions will not work in HTML preview and print button is one of them.You will have to write custom code to achieve print functionality like calling window.print() It is not possible with out of the box features. the below article explains few of AEM developer experience https...
Hi DuttAbhishekPREVIEW You can find the more information about the project structure and components. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/getting-started-wknd-tutorial-develop/project-archetype/custom-component.html?lang=en I hope this will help. Thanks,
Hi NIshantSaurabh25 https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/deploying/configuring/single-sign-on.html?lang=enIf you are looking for SSO authentication the below link has more information. https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/set-up-aem-sso-...
Hello mankuu33664440, Along with your data bindings could you verify the repeat table options as mentioned above. I hope this will help to grow/display data table. Hope this will help. Thanks,
Kindly correct/update the code as per your requirement. 1.Object reference is misplaced.2.Component path is missing from the Model3.create a model class with component reference path and fetch the page details <sly data-sly-use.tagItems="com.movementmortgage.core.models.BlogTags">
HiSocialTaylor, You can use below code to fetch the list of tags of the page.@Inject@Named("cq:tags")private String[] tags; protected void init() {
String[] eventTags = this.tags;
List<String> topicTags = new ArrayList<>();
final TagManager tagManager = resourceResolver.adaptTo(TagManager.class);
Hi @fogharty ,1. For aligning fields and grouping the items you can use the table option. In this case, the table holds label and value separately, for the value field at row2 without a caption and select the custom options.