When a create a project using command as mentioned in https://github.com/adobe/aem-project-archetype Command to create project-mvn -B archetype:generate \-D archetypeGroupId=com.adobe.granite.archetypes \-D archetypeArtifactId=aem-project-archetype \-D archetypeVersion=23 \-D aemVersion=cloud \-D ap...
SQL workbench is working fine. I executed insert, update, create queries. All executed fine. Getting this issue always, although I can see tables in AEM form data model. Issue is while testing get/insertservices.
I am using MySQL Workbench with AEM Forms in AEM 6.5.After installing bundle mysql-connector-java-8.0.20.jar, able to fetch table in Form Data Model.But when I try to test get/insert service, error message.I am getting below error in erro.log: 11.05.2020 14:59:36.792 *ERROR* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [158918...