Use this thread to ask any questions related to the course on using Azure portal storage account with AEM Forms CS on Experience League. Experts are monitoring this thread to ensure your questions are answered
i just included the DevelopingWithServiceUSer.jar in my project and was able to get everything workingimport com.mergeandfuse.getserviceuserresolver.GetResolver; @referenceGetResolver getResolver; ResourceResolver rr = getResolver.getFormsServiceResolver(); my eclipe project
in your project's POM.xml file add the following<dependency><groupId></groupId><artifactId>serviceuser</artifactId><version>1.0</version><type>bundle</type><scope>system</scope><systemPath>C:\AEMFormsBundles\DevelopingWithServiceUser.jar</systemPath></dependency>The systemPath value will d...
somewhere in the client lib the javascript code is giving you the error. The best way is to comment few lines of code at a time and load the rule editor till you narrow down the culprit line in the javascript
looks like this has to do with the client library associated with StoreAndFetch use case. The javascript code in the client library could be missing a semi colon. For the StoreAndFetch use case, you do not need to use the rule editor.