This also makes me wonder if it's a good idea to include a copy of the control experience as a sort of embedded A/A test within my A/B/n tests. True, an extra traffic toll, but also a way to common-sense-check the test results.
Hi Tim,It's an old thread but I was just exploring a similar question, and I believe this is now part of ACS Tools. See here:,Oleg
Just fixed this with the great support people of Dynamic Media. The issue was that the default invalidation template of <ID> only takes care of the main asset, and doesn't flush the smart crops. The solution was either to add the specific path to the required refocused smart crop in the confirmation...
This is an old thread! But since in 2020 I still had to google more than usual when faced with the same question, here's the link for everyone who'll arrive here looking for the answer: