Thanks, Eric. We use Form exclusively so that's perfect. You say 5 activities, I assume you are inferring 5 mboxes? This is great news. I will have to go back to our Tech group and try to test this again.
Eric, yes, those sliders are set correctly. It's a documented 'feature' that with multiple audiences, you have to meet audience criteria regardless of the sliders.
Description - When using multiple audiences in an AB Test, QA URLs do not work unless you also qualify for the audience. This makes validation prior to launch in some cases impossible. Audience qualification should not be required for simply validating the experience response from Target.Why is thi...
I'm curious if anyone has had success trying to leverage the new getOffers function to call all regional mboxes on a page with a single call/response? We got it working, but our Tech group reported that the performance was actually way worse than sending the separate individual calls. That doesn't s...
@DavidSonPMAny plans to enhance data available in API? We previously looked at it for a reporting dashboard (detail what is currently running and where) and found that it didn't seem to have access to all the information we would want to have.
@MihneaD I'm curious about this too. Are you saying mobile phones are not inclusive of the 'mobile device' setting? I assumed mobile device included phones and tablets. Based on your response, it sounds like you were saying to get phones and tablets you would have to use IS mobile device + mobile ph...