Hello All,
How to access old helpx articles?
For example http://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/custom-sling-servlets.html
This one..
I see lot of community articles here have old helpx links, which gives 404.
Hello community,I am trying to move the clientlibs from etc to apps. Earlier approach to call the clientlibs was direct script injection in the component like<script type="text/javascript" src="/etc/clientlibs/my-project/component/mycomponent/jslibs.js"></script>.all was working fine.After I moved t...
Ratna Kumar wrote... Hi, I want to delete the Value in the property that is type String Array. Deleting the value is working fine but I am having in issues in deleting the value.Suppose I want to delete the value here: Before deleting: After deleting the value: I am getting the comma at...
Hi all,I would like to know how can we call any servlet in touch ui dialog?ie.On select of dropdown i need to pass the selected value to servlet. Thanks,Shivamurthy Mn
Hello All,I am Shivamurthy. I am AEM Developer in TechAspect Solutions Inc. I am working on Boston for Bose.I have around 6 years of work experience with AEM. Thanks,Shivamurthy Mn
Hi, Try something like this. <dl data-sly-list="${currentPage.listChildren}"> <dt>index: ${itemList.index}</dt> <dd>value: ${item.title}</dd></dl>Code samples are intended for illustration purposes onlyThe following default variables are available within the scope of the list:item: The cur...