Hi PatrickI think what you're looking for is Baselines, specifically static baselines. You can create a Baseline for a ditamap on the Manage tab in the AEM Web Editor and AEM will record every map/topic/image/resource referenced and its version.Add the Baseline to the Output Preset(s) and generate y...
Hi RonnieYou can download some sample DITA content from here https://github.com/DITAWriter/pilot_training_mitchell_bomber written by a great chap called Keith Schengili-Roberts.This will allow you to try editing DITA content using AEM Guides and publishing using the default Output Presets.Structured...
Hi Rick It is mostly in the Installation and Configuration Guide - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-guides/using/install-guide/on-prem-ig/output-gen-config/conf-output-generation The Adobe Native PDF Publishing uses CSS, but you can also use the DIta Open Toolkit and Fra...
Hi Michelle If you're using Apache FOP which is built into the DITA-OT, it isn't great at wrapping text in tables. If you insert zero width spaces in your long terms, then FOP may be able to break those terms at an appropriate place. Regards Keith