Hi Richa, Please let me know on which occasions should we use an unconditional stop. Unconditional stopThis option changes the workflow status to Finished . This action should only be used as a last resort if the normal stop process fails after several minutes. Only use the unconditional stop if yo...
Hello, After generating the condition when your workflow needs to be restarted, you can use this JS code: xtk.workflow.Restart(id) id : the id number of the workflow that you want to restart. Regards, Badr.
Hi, If i understand well, you want to duplicate a delivery activity and change the action to prepare and start. If all of that is happening inside the same workflow, just select the original delivery activity and the Ctrl + C , then click an empty place inside the workflow and Ctrl + V . then in the...
Hi Akshay, For me the best way to learn is to practice all the things that you see in documentations, and here is basic things that you need to know : Building a workflow Query Key steps when creating a delivery Regards, Badr.
Hi, Thanks for all your replies, At the end we contacted the responsables of our servers and they fixed it, like i thought before, was something from the servers part. Thanks again. Badr.
Hi all, In the last days we are having some issues with the performance of adobe campaign classic console, sometimes its extremely slow to connect and after connecting it keeps being slow in executing workflows or consulting tables, and other times it works normal, like it's so slow for 40 minutes e...
Hi, It's a little weird what is happening, but the first thing im thinking to do, is to go from Tools > Generic query editor, and search that workflow if still showing using the query editor. if not then is something wrong with the display. you can too go to administration > Production > Objects Cr...
Hi Darpan, You can extend an extended schema, but really i dont undersantd for what, you use extension to edit schemas that cant be edited, if you already have an extension of recipients means that you can edit the extension "shl". Regards, Badr.
Hi Ash, after the query you will add a Test, inside the test you will add a condition like this : vars.recCount > 0 if its true you will send the B delivery, if its false then the A .Regards, Badr.