I want to send small message in email while published my modified page into the pub node either from both side in .../aem/start.html or while page in editor.html(Edit) mode
Hi @arunpatidar, Yes that screenshot is correct one and this was applying for every page which i created recently But there are custom event listeners in project.
Hi @ChitraMadan , Still getting same issue after changing that also , Im using /conf/mysite editable template while creating the page and I deleted under /conf/mysite/mytemplate/jcr:content properties as earlier you said.
tried in many jar version? Someone help me <dependency><groupId>com.itextpdf</groupId><artifactId>itext7-core</artifactId><version>7.1.9</version><type>pom</type></dependency><!-- iText pdfHTML add-on --><dependency><groupId>com.itextpdf</groupId><artifactId>html2pdf</artifactId><version>3.0.0</ver...