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Automatically replication action property creating while creating new page in my website (only in local and DEV)


Level 3


14 Replies



Hi Keshav,

Please check if you have any launcher configured for replication workflow for node:created event. See [0] for more details.


[0]: https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-64/administering/operations/workflows-star...





Level 3

Hi @vanegi,


    No there are no Launchers default or with in the bundles of my project 


Level 3
Hi Vanegi , Thanks for your comment There is no workflow in instance and archive console.


Level 9

Hi @keshav_goud , 

Looks like page is replicated soon after you create the page without you performing explicit action. 

There should be  workflow set to perform replication action on page creation. 

Please check if there is a workflow set either by navigating to workflow tab or in page properties for created page. 



Level 3
Hi Vaibhavi , Thanks for your comment There is no workflow in instance and archive console.


Community Advisor

Hi @keshav_goud ,


Please check the properties of your page template in /apps. It might be having replication properties as shown in below image




If so, any page that you will create using that template will show replication properties as well.


Solution to this problem is to delete these properties from the template node and try creating page again.


Level 3

Hi @ChitraMadan ,


Still getting same issue after changing that also , Im using /conf/mysite editable template  while creating the page and I deleted under /conf/mysite/mytemplate/jcr:content properties as earlier you said.


Community Advisor

@keshav_goud This is because you have "On Modification" trigger enabled in your replication agent configuration. Please uncheck "On Modification" option and your issue will be resolved!





Level 3

Hi @Asutosh_Jena_,

Thanks for your comment, This option already in default unchecked state. 



Community Advisor

Hi @keshav_goud 


It seems to be a workflow launcher that has been triggered after modification.

But before assuming anything, please set your log level as debug in your local and try to replicate the mentioned scenario and validate the logs if you find anything useful.





Community Advisor

For the screenshot I can say, the last replication property has very old value as compared to last modify. Is this not the correct screenshot?
Can you check if this is the case for new pages as well? do you any events listener configured? Can you check the event console to track different events when page is created.

Arun Patidar


Level 3

Hi @arunpatidar,


   Yes that screenshot is correct one and this was applying for every page which i created recently But there are custom event listeners in project.


Community Advisor
The issue could be with custom event listeners. Can you check the custom event listener which may be changing this property? Is page getting replicated too?

Arun Patidar


Level 2

hi @keshav_goud Check if you have committed your template related code with those properties added (sometimes happens). If not then as our friends you can explore all cases.