While your answer is a tad bit condescending, I went to the wiki. I can say it is sparse and not that informative when someone is looking for details. I think the ACDL is a half finished product and the ext is about the same. When installed OOTB with core components nothing in this guide helps and ...
The page you specified no longer exists. The files you point to do not cover all the functions listed. For example FormatCurrency (<number>, <currency>) What are the values that are valid for <currency>? I have triedn US, us, en-us, C0 etc
Hey JeffWhile I am no longer at Adobe I am still very active in the Data Workbench community and with the product. While I don't know exact plans, I can say that Adobe has a future vision to have all products within the cloud environment. For them as a a company this is a sound business decision and...
I think I saw that video. The issue here is not the reporting, but rather the ability for customers to accept the campaign in an offline channel. i.e. Campaign for skipping a payment around holidays gets sent out. Customer gets the email and opens it but does not respond to the CTA. 4 days later the...
Yes and no. The client wants the ability to have a campaign history available in Dynamics for customer touch points offline. So within the CRM connector there is the update table in campaign then also the sync between the Dynamics table and the Campaign table. The Web Services API from what I have f...
Any Documentation from Adobe on how you did that, or a start to that process? Client is worried about the weight of constant API calls during customer fetches in the call center and brick and mortar locations to Campaign to retrieve current campaigns and offers. Microsoft said that their side can ha...
We are currently implementing the CRM connector between v7 and MS Dynamics 9 on prem. Microsoft is asking whether or not the API will handle multi-threading. I can't find any documentation around this and none of my contacts at Adobe have been able to answer this question. Any forum Experts or Adobe...