So I went into Livecycle and I went to properties and changed the for to Acrobat and Adobe Reader 11.0 or later. And still when i try using the NVDA screen reader nothing happens. It can read the title of the form, but not the content of the form. I still dont now how @gvdpatida1 was able to get t...
Not yet I still cant get the screen reader to work. My accessibility team cant either. And I have my accessibility settings correct. My latest question was about adobe reader vs adobe pro. Thanks!
I don't know what i am doing wrong. I found the settings that you said to have set and I still cant get NVDA to read the content of the form. It will read the title of the form but that is it. When i click in the form it doesn't read anything? Does it matter that i am using Adobe Acrobat Pro vs ...
HI! Thank you so much for the information! When you say "Make sure you have enabled assistive technology in Acrobat reader/DC " is that something i set in the form itself or is it something i set in my adobe when opening the form?Jodi
Sure can! When i attempt to use NVDA screen reader, it doesn't read the contents. I have tried adding custom text tags, accessibility tags, screen reader tags. And nothing. Thank you!Jodi
I am still using the old Livecycle designer application to create dynamic XML pdfs. The issue we are having is that a screen reader is unable to read the forms. Anyone know why this is or maybe what i dont have setup?
So if you set this the form to open without the fields being highlighted (=false) but the users click the button in the upper right hand corner of the window that says "hightlight fields" the fields will still highlight? That button overrides your code? Is there anyway to not ever have the fields...