All,I have this weird issue in touch ui where para format text is not displaying correctly in dropdown. In Classic UI, text is getting displayed correctly. See screenshot attached for touch ui, classic ui and rte plugin config.Thanks,Mayank
Hi,In AEM 6.1, if there are 2 FileUpload Widgets, then drag and drop option does not appear for 2nd image and second image is also not displayed in dialog. I am using different file names and file references for both images. For e.g.For 1st Image:FileName : ./firstimage/fileNameFile Reference: ./fir...
Sandeep,For richtext editor, you can use same plugins and configuration done for classic ui. See this article for details: . Hope this helps! Regards,Mayank
All,I added a new image in page property but its not allowing me to drag and drop images from content finder in touch ui. Same image works fine in component but not in page property. Has anyone faced this issue? Following is the image code in page properties dialog:[img]image_issue.jpg[/img] ~Mayank
Sham HC wrote... it is discussed at Sham,Thanks for your message but that discussion is for Component Developer Certification, i am appearing for Lead Developer Certification.Regards,Mayank
I am planning to take CQ5.5 Lead Developer Certification. If someone who has already taken this certification provide any tips, sample questionnaire it will be really helpful.Thanks
Sham, I need to update json with modified content hence i am adapting to Asset. Anyways i found out root cause, it was due to session getting close in one scenario which was causing this issue. Thanks Sham and macdonald for looking into my problem. Regards,Mayank
Sure,Below is the code:resourceResolver.resolve("/content/dam/example/test/language/en.json").adaptTo(Asset.class).Another interesting thing which i noticed when i doresourceResolver.resolve("/content/dam/example/test/language").adaptTo(Asset.class), i still get NonExistingResource Regards,Mayank