Please refer to the following Adobe documentation:Moving and Merging TagsTag Search and Tag ListingYour old tag is still present in CRX with the cq:movedTo property pointing to the new tag value. The index is also present at:/oak:index/cqTagLucene/indexRules/cq:Tag/properties/cqMovedToHowever, this ...
Hi @RahulSi13 ,I would recommend raising an Adobe support request for this issue. Ideally, they might recommend some changes in your TTL to mitigate the delay post pipeline execution.
Hi @RahulSi13 ,Do you see this difference in the presence of the X-Cache header for similar requests when different CDNs serve the content?To investigate, check the Cache-Control header for the requests where the X-Cache header is missing. It may provide insights into whether caching rules are affec...
We don't need any specific settings to exclude nonprod content from crawling. By default, EDS will not index any content from * or * by loading default robots.txt with the config below. User-agent: *
Disallow: / Separate branches can be used for different environments
Hi @pratikshah ,If you are using git submodules then the settings.xml should be added under your parent project .cloudmanger/maven/settings.xml ex:<settings xmlns=""
Hi @Kamal_Kishor , We can use the widgetType@Property(label = "select the path", description = "Enter the poth", property = { "widgetType=pathbrowser", "pathbrowserRootPath=/content/myproject"})String path();
Hi @OsmanWa ,By default, EDS will not index any of the content from * or * by loading default robots.txt with the below configUser-agent: *
Disallow: /so your content will not be indexed. For authentication refer -
Please confirm if you are able to see the Groovy Console when you access this URL:https://your-aem-url/groovyconsoleIdeally, if the same code is installed, you should see the console in PROD as well. If you are not able to execute scripts, it means the necessary access is not available for your user...