@tanmay_singh you can use environment variables in case of AEMaaCS. secrets can be saved as well and the config file will something as mentioned below.{“myTestTitle” : “$[env:MY_TEST_TITLE]”,“myTestPassword”: “$[secret:MY_TEST_PASSWORD]”} Reference URL: https://medium.com/slalom-technology/how-to-u...
We have a smart crop image processing profile created with 4 variations. These rendition can be see in the author mode and can be edited for every individual image in AEM. When we use assets with these smart crop renditions on a page, URL is changing based on the screen size but asset focus is not...
@SDusane This is due to the incorrect format in the yaml file. look for provided spacing in the yaml file, there should be a space between a '-' and string.Addition to that, you can check if all of your yamls have been resolved properly or not by using the URL below.http://localhost:4502/mnt/overlay...
@chiragtakkar5 There are many use case of selenium but one of the major one is to write UI test case to automate websites testing process.https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/implementing/using-cloud-manager/test-results/functional-testing/ui-testing.html?...
@anott It can be done with the help of ACS commons.Please find below a reference link.https://adobe-consulting-services.github.io/acs-aem-commons/features/mcp/subpages/process-manager.html I hope it helps!
@Vani1012 please have a look at curl commands below.https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/administering/operations/curl.html?lang=enhttps://github.com/paulrohrbeck/aem-links/blob/master/curl_cheatsheet.md Other than that, you can use groovy script to fetch details of the page...
Hi @bhagchand, In addition to Himanshu's comment earlier, if you have a common clientlibs and need to be loaded only in author mode, you can add it in the page component and restrict it only to author mode. <sly data-sly-test="${wcmmode.preview || wcmmode.edit}" data-sly-call="${clientLib.all @ cate...
Hi @okkk , if you are including the block through sightly, adding a context will help to avoid these errors. Could you please share some more details about the block and where it has been added, along with AEM logs? Regards,Rohit
Hi @aravindS , Please have a look at a similar thread below.https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/restrict-tag-field-to-max-2-tags-touchui/m-p/440070 Just to give you a highlight, you need to write custom validations to achieve this.https://medium.com/@ramamity94/...