Hi @priyankagupta20 , You can create a real time audiences using RTCDP for pesonalization. If you are using adobe analytics data for audiences then it will work for second visit.
Hi @ChrisCh4 , You can create a audience using profile script (profile.browserTime) for personalization. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/target/using/audiences/visitor-profiles/profile-parameters
Hi @sriharshanaladala98 , You can refer below document.https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/target-dev/developer/client-side/global-mbox/pass-parameters-to-global-mbox#_blank Thanks.Pradnya
Hi @user68646 , You can define your start date and end date as per your activity.In this case if you want then create separate activity as per the request.
Hi @GirirajVi You can simply pass any custom mbox parameter to Target call, as soon as user logs in. Do not pass this parameter on the loggout screen or homepage without login.You can create an audience with this mbox parameter and personalize the logged in users.
Hi @NazifHa, What kind of changes you are looking in existing activity?Because there are some limitation changing the live activity. (Example: you cant change report source)
Hi thesturdybot, RskG, RakeshRM , Karthik_sai_raj , sairamthota, FlavioAug, and NagasairaghuGa, Quiz 6:Which two variables can be set by processing rules for Mobile App?A. ReferrerB. eVarC. Tracking CodeD.Product