Nope, and I was wrong with the "+" signs as when they are there no values are returned.Without the "+" signs as follows:if (xfa.resolveNode("INPUT.Vehicle.Row[0].Vehicle-Year").rawValue != null) {(xfa.resolveNode("INPUT.Vehicle.Row[0].Vehicle-Year").rawValue + " ");} else {}if (xfa.resolveNode("INPU...
I am having some difficulty returning values checked for null.The Javascript function is Calculate and my code is as follows:if (xfa.resolveNode("INPUT.Vehicle.Row[0].Vehicle-Year").rawValue != null) {(xfa.resolveNode("INPUT.Vehicle.Row[0].Vehicle-Year").rawValue + " ");} else {}+if (xfa.resolveNode...
Unfortunately, it turns out to be a bit more complex as the next field is a cell within a row in a dynamic table.I have worked this out based on your excellent advice:if (xfa.event.commitKey == 2){"EditorialCreditForm.ProductInfo.Table3.Row[3].FirstChoice");}then the next fie...
Is there a way to change the key assigned to going to the next field for the "enter" key rather than the default "tab" key in a limited area within the form?
I also have it set to form:Ready on the script.With the field set to User Entered Optional and No data bindings, it still does not show any text.I have also allowed for the field to expand to fit in order to show, still nothing.
Before you had replied I changed it to rawValue and the field is still blank.Should it be set to Read Only Calculated?What about the bindings tab on the concatenated field?
Still not working, here is what I have:Concat(xfa.resolveNode("INPUT.Customer.Row[2].Customer-City").value + xfa.resolveNode("INPUT.Customer.Row[3].Customer-Province").value)