I would recommend against this feature. Most websites see significant weekend traffic lulls. If you use this you would often be comparing disparate periods due simply to a reduced weekend count. i.e, Feb 1-10 has one weekend whereas Jan. 1-10 has two. Comparing full weeks is much safer.
Thanks for the tip. Still want full functionality in the product itself. It seems too often the workaround is to s.prop something Omniture is already recording. Plus, I need the full history we've collected over the months & years for comparison & trending.
Yeah. I had posted it first on the beta site before you, but someone moved it here for me the other day. It's slightly different in that it focuses on the charting, but essentially the same request.
You should be able to view, for example, Page Views and Visitors in the same table and chart. One uses the left axis, the other the right. It lets you see any correlation.
I just now needed to look at a "Previous Page" report for a given page on 30 different suites. I was surprised to see only two pathing options under that report option in ReportBuilder: Entry Page and Original Entry Page Prev/Next page at the very least should be available in ReportBuilder and/or th...
This would be covered by:Give admins universal password for all users in a login-companyhttp://ideas.omniture.com/t5/Omniture-Idea-Exchange/Give-admins-universal-password-for-all -users-in-a-login-company/idi-p/362
Maybe I'm missing something. Why is that risky? A new classification is just a new view of existing data that cannot be harmed. I mean, what is at risk?