We offer a couple ways to do this today:
Text boxes are available in the left visualization rail and can be added anywhere in the project. They allow you to add freeform notes and many of our customers add them to the top of their project to introduce it to end users. In addition, when scheduling a ...
Duplicate of https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-analytics-ideas/workspace-sorting-by-dimensions/idi-p/340263/page/2#comments. Please keep up with updates there!
We have a previous project version prototype ready for testing, and are looking for a few participants. Please message me if you are interested, and include your org name and email address as well. Thank you!
On Jan 14, we released the ability to reference public image URLs in Workspace. Images can be added to any text box or panel/viz description: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/analytics/analyze/analysis-workspace/visualizations/text.html
The product team is also researching adding support fo...
No need to @ Eric and I on this idea. It is on the backlog and the PM that owns the project & prioritization is following this thread. They will share updates when they become available. Thanks!
Archiving as a duplicate of https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-analytics-ideas/dynamic-date-comparison/idi-p/338269. Please keep up with progress on that thread!
Additionally, we added a prototype to Labs today called "Panel Anchor Dates" that we hope addresses this idea and ot...
Archiving as this is a duplicate of https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-analytics-ideas/year-on-year-change-in-analysis-workspace/idi-p/340031/page/2#comments. Please continue to follow along with progress there!
We added a prototype to Labs today called "Panel Anchor Dates" that we hope addresses this idea and others like it. Please test it out and provide feedback through the Labs portal. Thanks!