@workflowuser Thanks for sharing. This is very useful reference implementation.I don't see an option to import the filled PDF back to the AF. Is there a specific option that has to be enabled?
@kozlovam Support for Form Fragments for Adaptive Form based on Core Components was recently added with AEM Forms as a Cloud Service 2023.09.0 release. More information here- https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/forms/adaptive-forms-authoring/authoring-ada...
@nileshpb Don't recall seeing a reference implementation for this use-case but you can submit the HTML5 forms data to a servlet [0] hosted in AEM. This data stream can be used for further processing; Email use-case can also be handled. [0] - https://docs.mktossl.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/for...
@Murali_Sanjeeva If the test connection is working with the DB client, then you may want to review the LCM logs at your end.Also, are you using JBoss app server? We don't have to configure DB configs with turnkey/partial turnkey.
@MunmunBo Here are the steps that you can follow to raise a support ticket - https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/workfront-blogs/how-to-submit-a-support-ticket-on-experience-league/ba-p/461737 Although these steps are specific to the workfront, they also apply here.
@MunmunBo We have done a similar reference implementation for another customer sometime back and I think that might help.Please raise a support ticket and we can share a sample with you.
@MunmunBo There is a reference implementation project already shared here[0]. Are you facing any issues with the same?[0] - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/forms/store-retrieve-letters/save-draft-letters.html?lang=en#eclipse-project
@Mohammed-Skouti Please post your query here[0] for expert advice on this topic.[0] - https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/ct-p/adobe-experience-manager-community
@krist_wang The bundle count seems pretty low, and the missing dependencies (from the screenshot) are provided by the Adaptive Forms Core API bundle (com.adobe.aemds.guide.aemds-guide-core). This bundle dependency is supplied by the Forms archive (aem-forms-sdk-cloud-ready_xxxx) for cloud so check i...