I am a group of fields that need to add together. Period Payment Cumulative Payment 1. 500 500 2. 500 1,000 3. 500 1,500Ex. Person would enter payment amount and the cumulative payment would add last cumulative p...
I am still having trouble with this. I want to choose a word from the drop down box (that has at least 25 options) and depending on the word I choose i want 1 or 2 checkboxes checked.This is the script i have so far. Right now i have it set up on the drop down box as and exit. if (this.rawValue =...
I have at least twenty items to choose from in the drop down box. So i need to script for each possible choice. How do i do that in java script?if (this.rawValue == "blah) CheckTwo.rawValue = 1;elseif (this.rawValue == "blah2") CheckTwo.rawValue = 1:There are probably 10 that check one box and a...
I want to pick from a list in the drop down. Depending on what is choosen then a box will be checked automatically. This is what I have so far for script.if (dropdown == "blah") then this.rawValue = 1I am not sure if it should be JavaScript or FormCalc...I assume JavaScript since there is no calcu...
I have a numeric field that calculatesa total. I have a text field that I want to look at the numeric field and based on what thenumber field says enter text.This is what I have for my calc right now...its not working...I don't know if it should be formcalc or javaif (TextField2.rawValue == 16 or 1...
I have two check boxes if both check boxes are checked then another field would display a number. How do I get my calcualtion to work?This is what I have so far for the calc.if ((this.rawValue ==1) (CheckBox4.rawValue == 1)){NumericField1.rawValue= 4}