Hello @vinay16 .is it string or integer values? I usually cast these ctx values to respective string or integer when comparing. I have problems especially with numbers when tried to do rtEvent.ctx.var>10 the rtEvent.ctx.var is typeof xml can you try cast it? However I never had problems comparing ot...
Normally not. But if they have right to create workflow folder and make it view. they can find any campaign workflow and possibly start/stop it
EDIT: I looked at the rights for 'Campaign workflows' folder and it is assigned to Campaign managers (operation) only. So they might see the workflow in ...
Hello @god_prophet,
I did small type between those two conditions put OR instead of AND.
@fcp - excludes proofscontact date is empty excludes "pencil deliveries" that are created when you are using the Delivery activity where you set action and delivery is created from template.. and everytime you r...
Hello @god_prophet ,
ofcourse here is my take on the problem:
create query on nms delivery table, minimum setup should be:
Click on Add data... -> Data linked to filtering dimension Data of filtering dimension -> add contact date([scheduling/@contactDate]) and channel(@messageType) click Finish
Hello @azaria0202,
have you cleared cache, logged out and logged in?
Could be only cache problem. I would start with clearing it and if wont help then investigate further.Marcel