Thanks for the input.Now i have 2 publish instance. So i have http session when user logs in it will hit one of the publish server.Now to maintain the session with the same publish instance,how do we go about need more inputs
We have a form in publish instance when visitor fills the form and submit it internally triggers a workflow in publish to download a dam assest to the visitor.Now my requirement is to create a approval step for download assets when visitor fill the form.Only on approval from valid group ...
I have the below requirement could someone provide inputs as what could be done1>I need a mechanism for login of visitor in publish instance so this needs a session mechanism in cq5.2>Secondly I need to get data from 3rd party server from cq5 pages. So it means I need to maintain session in cq5 an...
when adding captcha component user could manipulate the captcha values as per the below .Could you please provide more inputs as how this could be avoid so that captcha value comes from server instead of UI value< sling:include path="<%= captchaPath %>" resourceType="foundation/components/form/cap...
i am using aem5.6.1I see lot of not found issues when collab comment component is added only in publish instance could you please let me know as how could it be resolvedI have added the below libs code to /appsi.e added /libs/collab/commons/components/comments/comments.jsp to /apps/collab/commons...