Yes, it's being worked on now. Will be released in January. In the meantime, the best you can do is disable them. Once disabled, you can filter the list views to now show you disabled things. The filter will persist for your user session.
Yes, Launch Command will detect any libraries on the page deployed by DTM or Launch whether those deployments use self-hosting or are hosted by Adobe using Akamai.And you can replace it with anything you paste into the Launch Command settings, so that can be self-hosted or Akamai-hosted (or anything...
The planned functionality around the migration of embed codes is to migrate the production embed code from your DTM property to your Production Launch environment. The primary driver of this is the desire not to have to go to all the different IT teams that own the sites where this embed code is cu...
Ultimately, this is a request for the Analytics team since they own their extension. But we have taken the liberty of creating a ticket for them and assigning it to a human =)
The notes feature is on the roadmap. Right now it looks like late Q1, early Q2 2018. We consider this item as required to have Launch hit feature parity with DTM.