I don't think you can configure a separate maintenance window for the optimization of the Tar Journal.For the "crx.default" workspace, and the "version" workspace you can.
A variety of things can cause this. If you have access to Adobe Technical Support, it'll be a good idea to get them to help you.If not, try deploying these manually using the WebLogic Admin Console and see if you get better error messages.
Are you using secured data sources? More here:http://blogs.adobe.com/livecycle/2010/04/livecycle_on_weblogic_-_securi.htmlhttp://blogs.adobe.com/livecycle/2010/09/increasing-weblogic-as-jdbc-connection-pool-size-for-livecycle-content-services-es2.html
You need to download a separate install binary - you cannot use the JBoss install binary for WebLogic.Please go through the following documents first:- Preparing to Install Guide (single server) : http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/9.0/prepareinstallsingle.pdfor- Preparing to Install Guide (clust...