Hi @sarav_prakash I spoke to the engineering team. > Thinking of caching the metadata onto aio-lib-state and ask AEM to pull from aio-lib-state. But looks there is NO Java SDK/library available to reuse aio-lib-state. I have to expose another web-action at aio runtime, and make AEM call a fetchAIO...
Yes, for blocking calls it is 60 seconds and for async invocation it is up to 1 hour. Read our documentation here- https://developer.adobe.com/runtime/docs/guides/using/system_settings/ ThanksManik
Hi @DB111 - have you read our implementation guide? https://developer.adobe.com/developer-console/docs/guides/authentication/ServerToServerAuthentication/implementation/
I am not fully aware of your setup, but from the looks of it, yes. You should also refer to https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/security/jwt-credentials-deprecation-in-adobe-developer-console