@soldierchlorine Welcome to the community! If you are still having issues please share the exact URL in there I'll do some testing get it to work and reply with a video showing you exactly what I had to do to get it to work. Mihnea Docea | Technical Support Consultant | Customer Experience | Adobe |...
@winstonl3651471 As @ambikaTewari_ATCI has pointed out you would: 1. Define two audiences. 2. Set up an XT (Experience Targetting) activity to target to each audience.I'm a visual person and I wanted to share with you what the audience would look like in the UI here is a screen-shot:Mihnea Docea | T...
@georgel63092844 I'm not 100% certain if the system will even allow you to change the conversion metric after the activity has been started. If it does the risk will be that inevitably at a later point in time someone will look at the conversions and compare the latest conversion metric "carrots sol...
@Perrin_Ennen I don't know much about this topic but asking some clarifying questions for those who do and woudl be willing to help here is what woudl be good to know:1. Are you using API v1.0 or API v2.0?2. What are you trying to accomplish?Mihnea Docea | Technical Support Consultant | Customer Exp...
@ambikaTewari_ATCI As @Amelia_Waliany & @arunk19034797 have pointed out a Target native metric would be more like activity entries etc. Visit is more of an Adobe Analytics concept. A visit is a 30min session. This is touched on in this KB article: https://docs.adobe.com/help/en/target/using/activiti...
@randradebbva, Please reach out to your admin and have them double check that you are set up under the Target product profile as an Approver. They can do that from Menu > Admin > Target Here is a screenshot:
@ethanb8462311 eVar allocation and expiration is controlled from Analytics. The closest you can get to that is targeting past behavior based on the eVar allocation setting.Here is what you woudl do:1. Ensure that Expiration and Allocation are set to whatever you need them to be in Analytics.2. Set u...