I got stuck on CUG and this is NOT what I am looking for. We require to add jcr:write access for a single user to a new node that we create also through code. All I can find is code examples prior 6.3 change to CUG, but these are no longer working How can we still use AccessControlList.addEntry(pr...
Thank you. Yes, it looks oke. Actual the document will be for short term only (ie, 1 or 2 hours), but we can write a separate cron job to remove document older than x seconds. Let me read about this further and try to out.
Thank you. Yes, it looks oke. Actual the document will be for short term only (ie, 1 or 2 hours), but we can write a separate cron job to remove document older than x seconds.
We are developing a OSGI module that uses a SlingRequest as input. We have no issues with the input. These are uploaded documents by authenticated users.The module will use various document services to generate a new document. Questions.Is there any sample document/website on how these documents c...
We keep seeing this error on Publish instance, but not on the Author instanceAEM 6.5.4. running on a Windows 2016 DataCentre OS 15.05.2020 08:57:29.199 *WARN* [Apache Sling Resource Resolver Finalizer Thread] org.apache.sling.resourceresolver.impl.CommonResourceResolverFactoryImpl Closed unclosed Re...
@Mayank_GandhiWe found a solution, but not sure if this is according to the preferred methodsWe notice that the "head.html" in libs is importing a file "customheaderlibs.html" for us to add values to the head tag1. We created a new hidden component "apps.<project name>.components.pagefavicon" withsl...
I found a new issue around this. When we want to edit the page in the form editor the editor did not work. In the server log file we find this error 12.05.2020 16:21:32.667 *ERROR* [xxx] GET /etc/designs/<project Name>.css HTTP/1.1] org.apache.jsp.libs.cq.Page.Page_css_jsp resource has no content. p...
We followed "https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/AEM63_favicon.html" to assign a favicon to each adaptive form. 1. The folder /etc/designs/ does not exists so we create this folder (sling:folder)2. added a cq:page with our project name and added a favicon to this page as a child. crx/de...
As per best practices We placed a clientlibs in the apps folder. Assigned the allowProxy={Boolean}trueAssigned a category = "testClientLib" Edited a custom component in apps and added in the widget.jsp "<ui:includeClientLib categories="testClientLib" />" On publish the js/css is loaded, but not mini...