Hi @dante8888,I think you will need to add port forwarding, which can be done on AEMaaCS through Advanced Networking: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/security/configuring-advanced-networking#flexible-port-egressHere is an example from my project:{
Hi @newbie34,yes. You should see the log statement also without any custom config, but this enables us to lower the log level to INFO for our specific packages. Good luck,Daniel
Hi @newbie34,the below configuration without specifying a log file works for me on AEMaaCS:{
"org.apache.sling.commons.log.level": "$[env:LOG_LEVEL_CUSTOM;default=error]",
"org.apache.sling.commons.log.names": [
} Hope this helps,Daniel
Hi @fionas76543059,I have the following rules set up in the <Directory /> for JS/CSS but also for other static content like video and images: <Location ~ ".+.lc-.+-lc.(min.)?(js|css)$">
# Important - Cache control is set to immutable by AEM
Header unset Cache-Control
Hi @NageshRaja,we are using GH Actions for deployment to RDE, here is an example pipeline.name: AEM Deploy To RDE
name: Deploy Selecte...
Hi @aanchal-sikka,thanks, option 1 is what I am looking for, but I would like to log more events for pages and replication. Also, ideally, forward those logs to Splunk so the team can use them for analysis. BR,Daniel
Hi @B_Sravan,thanks for the detailed response. I found the Day CQ DAM Event Recorder Service Config, but is there a similar Service to enable Page and Replication events?Also, will the audit logs get forwarded to Splunk with the existing Log Forwarding configuration, or are some additional steps req...