Hello Adobe Community, I have a business use case where I want certain folders within RTCDP to be accessible for only certain users. Basically, we don't want different teams messing around with each other's audiences or folders. So, we want to lock down folders so that they are only accessible to t...
Have you tried adding another extension in the actions and use another extension if Kinesis is an inbuilt extension or use the adobe cloud connector and use the kinesis api endpoint
Hi,I am looking through some of these new features in the latest release and I see that there are some new updates regarding alerts (Adobe Experience Platform Release Notes September 2024 | Adobe Experience Platform). I see that you can now subscribe to alerts for when audiences are created, updated...
I'm trying to look into what roles/permissions/access labels could be used within RTCDP. Specifically, there are a couple things that I want to limit: 1. look into permissions for the ability allow only certain users to edit certain audience criteria; The crux of the need is to ensure that we can d...