Thank you Jaye! I did see that which is why I'm asking. What other features are we expected to lose with this merger? I don't remember seeing any information or any heads up that we were losing this feature when we were onboarded to Adobe Experience Cloud. I guess this something I will need to brin...
Does anyone know why this feature was taken away now that our system was merged with the Adobe Experience Cloud. My department really enjoyed the fact that we could customizing the branding to our company.I tried adjusting this in the Layout Template but that didn't work.
Will this be a message they send out to all Adobe Workfront users or at least Admins? I was caught off-guard by this with a new user today. They are having the same problem, I guess I should put in a support ticket as well?
@MegSault Thank you for posting. I have found that the "Suggested Filters" that Workfront has developed for the homepage do not work the best. Instead, I've created my own filters for the different widgets. You can do this in a task report or project report depending on what widget you want to view...
I thought of that too but not that I'm aware of. I checked all of there tasks to see if anyone was also assigned or had shared there task with someone.
Hello Madalyn! I actually don't see that option anymore to where I can toggle every widget by due Today, This Week, or This Month. I haven't seen that option in a while now. I attached a screenshot just in case I'm missing something.
I have recently noticed that people in my company are not able to see certain tasks & projects they are assigned to on the home page widgets "My Tasks & My Projects."Has anyone else noticed this problem on there end? I have filtered through all the different options and nothing seems to resolve this...