Hi again folks,
After one colleague spotted a bug in my original version, and another colleague suggested some excellent improvements, I invite you to switch to the NEW (and improved) as of March 5, 2025 3pm Mountain version that I just updated on the main post, above, which fixes the bug and in...
Interesting idea @Alex_Di,
Once you've set them up, you could try to incorporate the Project Genealogy and/or Project Original Or Copy parameters in your new business rules features...but because calculations are "after the save", I suspect it might be more fruitful to replicate the concepts in...
Great stuff @KierstenKollins -- thanks for sharing!
Having reached the edge of what's possible within Workfront natively using Kiersten's technique, @MichaelSMN, if you are interested in doing similar but:
over time (e.g. by week, month, quarter) and/orat the Project > Department > Role > User...
Indeed @Sven-iX,
All set: at your convenience, I invite you to review my How To Detect Copied Projects (aka "Project Genealogy") post.
That a satisfying side trip: thanks again!
Hi folks,
NEW (and improved) as of March 5, 2025 3pm Mountain
With thanks to @Sven-iX for this thought inspiring post, I am pleased to share this solution to the years-old "detect copy" challenge using a derivative work of my Targeted Auditing technique:
create a custom form (e.g. Project Ge...
There's a bit more to it, @SVEN, but you're on the right track.
My POC is going well -- better than I expected, in fact, but due to what I suspect is a bug -- so when I write it up, yes, you win honorable mention
AHAH! Thanks @Sven-iX!
Your excellent recap of this years-old "detect copy" challenge for @AdamCnote just gave me an idea.
I'm going to test it out right now, and will report back shortly with a reply to this post. Stay tuned...
That is fabulous @LanggCass!
I was simultaneously IM'ing you about your earlier "more than 70 forms" post, which is no longer there, presumably because you slogged your way through and got it working.
Well done, love the laminate/t-shirt ideas, and thanks for such a fun and fantastic Thank You...
Hi @LauraEr,
In addition to the Fusion option @_Manish_Singh mentioned, another approach could be to create an Hour based Matrix Report that horizontally groups the actual hours by month, vertically groups them by Project, and filtered to include only those hours whose Entry Date is before $$TOD...