Hello! Is it possiblle to do the reverse replication to content fragments? updating fields from publish to author scenario with using workflow maybeand if it is doable is there any references I can check? thank you in advance!
Hi, may I know if it is possible if we can search for tags with only giving its title value?For example, I want to search the tag with title value of "Manager" then I will get its path thru the result of querybuilder.Thank you!
Hello! Can I override the data-sly-use attribute in the parent resourceSuperType with a new class? as of now I can't override it with the new java class
Hello, I'm trying to connect AEM to Azure SSO and encountered refresh loop after logging in. I checked the error.log and having this error message"18.08.2023 09:27:00.419 *INFO* [qtp535352936-30933] org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator getAnonymousResolver: Anonymous access not allowed...
Hello everyone,
I'm here to ask any guide for AEM and Adobe Target Integration. I need to export exp fragments to Adobe Target from AEM. I'm having a hard time to find a good guide for it. Any inputs are appreciated. Thank you!
Hello guys, I have an issue regarding using ES6 functions which is after minifying the JS, it seems it doesn't support it. Any input is appreciated. Thank you !