@Mohit_KBansal I want scenario like, if thumbnail is authored it is showing that original thumbnail in the page, if not authored I want default thumbnail.
*WARN* - GET /content/project/us/en/about-us/events/shows/ampp-1010.thumb.600.600.png HTTP/1.1] com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.servlets.ThumbnailServlet Cannot create thumbnail 2java.lang.NullPointerException: null
this is the error/warning I am getting
I want to create custom servlet to avoid this war...
for particular pages, if thumbnail is not present we can add in page properties. but here the scenario is, if thumbnail is not present for already existing pages, how to handle the issue if it is not through authoring for multiple pages
whenever I change something in the de.xml getting reflected in the page, this should not be done. only en.xml should be deployed.
example. if sling: message for de.xml of specific i18n label is wrong/empty, the same sling:message in en.xml should be reflected in de.xml for we need to add some filter...
need your help regarding sorting list without dependent on fields like last_modified_date, title.. etc. I noticed when viewing a Profiles Event List that the events are sorted Ascending and not Descending. When I view a profile I would like to see what are the recent events first. do you know abo...