{ /type "allow" /selectors "*" /extension '(gif|ico|jpeg|jpg|png|svg|pdf|webp)' /path "/content/dam/*" }
Hi folks,
In dispatcher filters, "url" and "path" seem to be interchangeable, at least in the examples I can find. Suppose I put "url" in the filter above, would it work any differently? thank...
/wildcardselectors { /type "deny" /url "/content*" /selectors "*" }
hi folks,
what additional publisher rules filters should I add to allow DAM images with dots in them i.e. blah blah .something.2000X3000.jpg
or is this disapproved of?
/wildcardselectorsdam { /type "allow" /url "/cont...
Actually, I think it is "acs-commons-email-service". That seems to work.
Hi folks,
I recently upgraded my AEM project's embedded ACS COMMONs libraries from 4.11.0 to 5.2.0. and sending emails fails afterwards.
"...ang.IllegalArgumentException: Mail template path [ /conf/myproject/notification/email/dentist.html ] could not resolve to a valid templateat com.adobe.acs.co...
hi folks,
I've a requirement to add buttons to provide an option to sort on name or modified date for this component.
Thanks to the experienceleague I did succeed in sorting the results, but I can't see any way of altering the Pathbrowser window to switch between sorting options. Maybe it is not po...
This one is good for multiple asset selectors in the one dialog(function(document, $) { "use strict"; var nameOfAssetPickerField = "" // listen for click on pathbrowser $(document).on("click", ".pathfield__asset--selector button.coral3-Button", function(e) { nameOfAssetPickerField...
hi folks,
Has anyone tried to sort the results in the views of the path browser, by name or by modified date?
var name = document.getElementById('assetpickerpath').getAttribute('name');document.querySelector('#assetpickerpath input[name="' + name + '"]').value = selectedItem;document.querySelector('#assetpickerpath input.coral-InputGroup-input').value = selectedItem;
In the end I got it to work by setting t...