The current method of inserting these set of records to adobe campaign is by uploading a csv file which is processed by a workflow that inserts them into a seed folder. What does the import workflow for a seed address look like. What do you put in the "Update Data" object.
What is the difference between contact date and last modified fields when you look at a specific delivery? If I want to know if my workflow created a delivery for that day should I be looking at contact date or last modified?
I know ACS Email Designer uses specific tagging. Is there some documentation on the ACS Email Designer HTML Tagging. Sample below... <div class="acr-container"><div class="acr-structure" data-structure-id="1-1-column" data-structure-name="richtext.structure_1_1_column"><table class="structure__t...
It is possible to toggle between Recipient Table email and the new recipient table with email you created. While sending emails? Or does it default to only one?