@NageshRaja use -l of --local flag while setting orgids, program id's and environment IDs so that that config gets stored locally to that folder..
So you can have two different folders for 2 different cloud envs and use local flag
@HelpTech can you pls share more details, like type of aem deployment (AEM on-prem or AMS or Cloud) , do you have access to publisher crx/de, have u checked jcr repp for page existence? Can you pls share logs?
@AnamikaP as of i know OOTB experience fragment super resource type doesn't support SPA editor and framework.. you need to overlay the core components super resource type of experience fragment and load SPA editor related clientlibs.
@DianaGi yes end of day what you keep in block js files or script.js file will be loaded in browser but it might impact lighthouse score as it is core concept behind EDS
Refer to community post with Similar question
@Edardna yes in your workflow step you need to write custom code to publish page along with all references
Refer to below community post for reference
@AEMGeek can you more specific as what actions you have tried and whats the issue you are facing? Any challenges in implementing the given requirements? Also what kind of aem deployment you are in? Aem on-prem or AMS or Cloud?
@Kalyan_ChakravarthyCh please refer to below adobe documentation for details regarding AEM workfront integration.
Also we can create ae...
@hensonba need more details to help you better..
What is the image aspect ratio you uploaded, what are those default crop ratios configured, how are you performing crops? Are you using Dynanic Media?
Is it AEM on-prem or AMS or AEM cloud?
@ShaylaBl can you give us more details.. like AEM version, what is the component name in this context, is it OOTB core components or custom?
As @martin_ecx_io said it depends on how html is generated finally..