Anyway we got the workaroud we added the configuration in the server inside the launchpad /opt/aem/author/crx-quickstart/launchpad/config/com/adobe/granite/maintenance/crx/impl/ Then created this below config file LuceneBinariesCleanupTask.config RevisionCleanupTaskmain.config DataStoreGarbageCollec...
I think my question was not clear. e.g /system/console/configMgr/com.adobe.granite.maintenance.crx.impl.DataStoreGarbageCollectionTask configuration does not exists Cause we deleted the configuration.If you see my screen shot it says task does not exists hover over this job dont give me any option a...
There is no gear button to click and modify cause the config itself does not exists. I think we need to add the OSGI config first without source code is there any option.
Hi, We have deleted the tasks from OSGI config cause our repo was corrupted and it was creating alert in our monitoring system. Now we have fixed the repo corruption with offline compaction. How can i add those config again in OSGI ? ThanksSina