If you check "Remember my login." at login you expect that SC keeps you logged in until you logout. It works well depending on the item you click after a session timeout happened. In some cases it just takes a second longer but opens the menu item you clicked on. But sometimes it also gives strange ...
When uploading SAINT files through the web UI it times-out in ~50% of the uploads. No matter if the file is 10kB (~100 items) or bigger. There is no way to see if the file is being processed correctly. (Although is does in most cases).Please fix this timeout. If the upload takes 5min, show the statu...
This is already available. We have suites in KR, CN, JP, ... and all do render correctly.Please make sure you have a font selected (Tool->Settings->Font and Locale) that is able to render those characters. Try Arial Unicode MS.
The Discover Mini-Trend is very useful to get a quick insight about the trend of the current cell. Would be great if we could switch to a weekly trend to eliminate the weekend drops. maybe just add a few small buttons at the bottom.
When applying a search to a report, the totals do show the filtered totals, so far so good.But if you now use date comparison the totals are unfiltered.This is "working as designed" but seems strange to me. Would be good to have the same filtered totals in the date comparison as I have in the single...
A copy ALL settings would be the fast-fast-lane But this would need to include really all settings, DW and D2. And yes, more control would mean less ClientCare tickets in general.