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Community Q&A Coffee Break, 6/21/23: Personalization Program Readiness Webinar Follow-up Qs, w/ Adobe Target Experts Ramon Cespedes & Kevin Jemison




Join us for the next Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break! 

  Wednesday, June 21st from 8am -9am PT 

We'll be joined by Adobe Target experts, Ramon Cespedes () and Kevin Jemison (). In this AMA (Ask Me Anything)- like event, the experts will be logged in and ready to answer any of your questions related to the topics covered in the recent 5/24 Webinar on The Journey to Driving Growth with Personalization, specifically:

  1. Guidance for personalization program readiness
    • Why does a personalization program need formal structure?
    • Organization models overview
  2. Common challenges faced while building personalization program
  3. Personalization Strategy and Framework Overview
    • How to get started?
    • Why is it important to be data-driven?
  4. Use case showcase:
    • Native integration between Adobe Analytics and Target
    • Benefits: accuracy, deep-dive analysis abilities
    • Analysis and reporting with visualizations
    • Adobe Target Activities using Analytics as a Data Source

*Be sure to watch the webinar recording and bring your follow-up Qs to the chat!

Participating is easy:

  • Add your Questions below by Replying to this thread: 
    • Begin your Question with our hosts' Community Usernames: 
  • Stand-by to watch the page as the experts weigh in during the hour, so that you can:
    • Clarify your questions
    • Ask follow up Qs and provide additional details
    • See Questions posted by other Community members to up-vote those that you find interesting
    • Discuss further with your Target Community member peers  

Meet the experts:

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Ramon Cespedes (), Adobe Customer Success ManagerRamon started his career at Adobe in San Francisco and now lives in Orlando. An MBA graduate from Florida International University's Chapman Graduate School of Business. Previously worked at Gartner as a Supply Chain, Leadership Client Manager. Ramon studied International Business at UNF and held various roles within the Transportation & Logistics industry before transitioning into tech. He enjoys basketball, hiking, ping pong, exploring new countries, and salsa dancing.

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Kevin Jemison (), Adobe Senior Customer Success Architect: Kevin is a Senior Architect with the Integrated Architecture team. With over 14 years in the industry, he has helped dozens of companies mature their analytics, optimization, and personalization capabilities, refresh their stale implementations, and leverage the full features that Adobe Experience Platform has to offer. Recently, with the Integrated Architecture team, Kevin has helped several clients regain trust and confidence in their implementations, injecting new life into their use of the tool.


 Something already coming to mind?

Add your webinar-related questions below any time before or during the Coffee Break on Wednesday, June 21st, when you can watch the page and be ready to add follow-up questions and discuss further with other community members!




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Greetings everyone! We're excited to kick off today's chat with the Experts - we're joined by  and 




Hey there everyone, looking forward to our time together today.




Welcome everyone. I'm Ramon Cespedes, and am looking forward to answering your Personalization Program Readiness questions this morning.


Community Advisor


Hi @kjemison my org is new to Personalization. As a B2B company, We are looking for avenues or site sections or pages where we can start doing personalization or we must do personalization. What are your thoughts on this? 


Hello @jsvasu, good to hear from you. As far as where to start doing personalization, much like the considerations when you are trying to determine where to start with optimization/testing considerations of where you have significant opportunity for impact, based on both traffic and high leverage points in the user experience, are usually the places to start. So entry pages, product comparison or review portions of the site, and similar area's are usually the most common and impactful places to begin.


Community Advisor


Awesome @kjemison this is helpful info. In addition to that, I also want to check What milestones can we achieve with Target & how we can mature it with time?


Maturity is really a process of moving the considerations of optimization & personalization higher up in strategic priority for the organization. Often you'll start out with just a test here and there, and mature to testing most of the time and taking some of those results forward and doing personalization. Eventually you want to get to the point that initative the organization does has some testing component and that the overall user experience has multiple personalized aspects to it.

Of course its a process that you have to incrementally work towards piece by piece.




Good morning all, I'm Simon, a Technical Support Engineer for Adobe Target. I'll be assisting Ramon and Kevin in answering any questions today.


Level 1


Hi all,

I have a more technical question in relation to implementing Adobe Taget to my site. I've publish a Experiencing Target acitivites where I altered an image in the header and some text color, Target is integrated to our site via Adobe Data collection (Former Adobe Lauch), However the personalisation changes only take effect after I reload the page, so if the user lands first time on my page they'd not  see the personalisation unless they reload the page, is that an expected behaviour?


Hi @Diego5, good question! I would say that is not the intended behavior if the person is qualified. As long as somebody qualifies for the audience, they should see the content initially. 

Is it for all visitors or a specific audience segment?

if it is an audience segment are they loggedin/cookie based?


sometimes we see cookie based user states require a refresh


Hello @neerspinner , It really depends on the audience definition and how the site/experience is set up. To answer broadly, as long as the information to qualify the visitor as being in the audience is available at the time of the request, they should qualify and receive the experience.

For your specific example, if that audience is login/cookie based then it would depend on if they were cookie'd at the time of the initial request or if the cookie was only applied after the initial request during the page-load cycle or some time thereafter.


Users should be in Ireland/UK and there's also user from the rest of Europe that would see a different personalised page.


Level 2


hey experts!

My organization has grown in leaps and bounds in the testing environment over the past 5 years, but we're still very much in the stage where our testing and personalization is very controlled and limited by a small number of stakeholders.


we're trying to "roadshow" and get some buy in cross functionally, but it's obviously a slow growth/adoption curve.


I've read use cases where companies are running hunderds of concurrent tests at all times and some enterprises have a "test anything/test everything" approach.


how do you recommend we bridge the gap between where we are and where we could be in testing?


Great question @neerspinner! My understanding is you're looking to better learn how to go up the maturity curve for your organization. Generally, the goal behind this is to develop a personalization strategy when launching activities. You start with basic testing of optimization working by itself, but to get broader buy in, then the framework / thought process should be more focused on the personalized aspects in activities.

Getting the personalization higher up in the strategic process means it becomes the normal way orgs would approach rolling out everything. When designing business goals to have a component of personalized experience in them, that matures the strategic mindset so that companies are able to reach the "test anything/test everything" approach.




Thanks @kjemisonrcespedes22 , and @simochen for joining us today! This Question was posted by Target Community Member @renatoz28:


"Hi, I have created 2 different Experience Targeting Activities in Adobe Target. Both are located in the homepage, and both refers to the same element, which is a banner above the hero of the homepage (the banner has been added in the activity, not backed).  

Experience Targeting 1: Show a message in the banner to all visitors who visits the homepage.

Experience Targeting 2: Show a different message in the banner to visitors who have visited a product page and then return to the homepage (segment created in Analytics).

The problem I'm facing now is that those banners shows up above each other, while I just want to show only one banner, given more priority to ET2 because it refers to a specific segment. I've given more priority to ET2, but I still have the problem. I also have tried creating a segment in Analytics, in which I exclude visitors who have visited the product page from all visitors, and then use this segment for ET1, but both banners still showing up.

What could I do in order to maintain both Experience Targeting Activities, and maybe add another one, but only have 1 banner?"

Link to Original Community Question

Thanks for this Question @renatoz28! Based on your description, you would want to have both of those experiences in one single XT activity, but have the two different audiences applied with the more restrictive analytics audience being the first experience. That should result in only one or the other of the banners being shown.


To add onto Kevin's comment, here's a link to Adobe documentation that goes into more detail on the priority of XT activity's experiences and how to control what audiences see: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/activities/experience-targeting/create-targetin... 


Level 2


Hi, I'm having issues accessing QA preview links--do you know why that is?




Thanks for asking @RcBT ! This could be due to a variety of potential causes, so some additional information would be needed. For example, is this behavior limited to a certain kind of activity, such as an Automated Personalization (AP) activity? Or is it also impacting other types like A/B, XT, etc.?

Another helpful detail would be to know what the issue accessing preview links exactly is. When loading the QA link, is the problem that the expected content would not load? Or are you unable to generate the preview links themselves in the Target UI?




Thanks @kjemisonrcespedes22 , and @simochen for joining us today! This Question was posted by Target Community Member magnusflaaten2:


"Case: Let's assume there is a significant lead time from a conversion on the web until activation of a service actually happens. After activation and as a part of the onboarding process for the service you want to not only use triggered emails/texts, but also expose the visitors for relevant content online (the full omni experience and all that).  Any smart feature in Target that will start exposing users n days after they qualified for the base segment? Yes; I think (in theory) its possible to use recency on the trait(s) within the segment e.g. has qualified for the trait equal to or more than one time in "recency > n" days to obtain this, but any built-in feature would be preferrable."


Link to Original Question

hey @magnusflaaten2, I think you are generally correct, this type of use case is more directly in the area of something like Journey Optimizer to manage both the timing and the activation across the channels, but there are a couple of approaches for defining the audience either with Target or Target+Analytics. 

If you only have access to Target you are correct in that something like a recency trait is probably your best option. If you have Analytics as well you could define a sequential segment in analytics that takes your time lag into account or requires multiple sequential events to qualify in the the audience. Depending on your product mix it will be more or less convenient to fulfil that specific use case.




Thanks everyone for your time and questions today. Please continue to join us here in the community in the future. Cheers




Thank you all for joining! Our time this morning is up but if there are additional questions related to buggy behavior or issues with Adobe products, I wanted to remind that support cases can be opened via the Admin Console, upon which a dedicated support engineer can debug the behavior and help find a resolution.




I appreciate the time and participation. I encourage you all to continue joining future sessions. Thank you again!

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