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[Mentor Jeffrey Peter Maria Sagayam] Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentorship Program 2024



Hello Team,

Welcome to the Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentorship Program 2024! This is the featured Community Discussion/Contextual thread for your Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentor, Jeffrey Peter!

Jeffrey will be your dedicated mentor, providing valuable support and guidance on your Adobe Real-Time CDP queries as you upskill yourself and prepare for Real-Time CDP certification throughout the program.

Know your Mentor Jeffrey Peter Maria Sagayam (aka @jpetermarias )

Jeffery's journey in Web Technologies has been fueled by a passion for understanding and mastering new products, technologies, and solutions. He started his career as a web developer and currently working in Adobe as a Technical Success Engineer for Adobe Target and AEP RT-CDP, assisting customers in resolving their challenges and optimizing their use cases.

He look forward to guide aspiring professionals in maximizing the potential of RT-CDP through Mentorship Program.

Aspirants mapped to Jeffery

1) Hemagurunath Selvaraj aka @Gurunath_Selvaraj 
2) Ramakrishna zalaki aka @ramakrishna3 
3) Celia Castilla Garcia aka @ccg1706  
4) Santosh J aka @SantoshJay 
5) Vamsi Krishna aka @vamsikohli 
6) Harshit Pandey aka @harshit_a_pande 
7) Abhinav Singh aka @abhinav99 
Rinav Sachdev aka @rinavsachdev 
9) Pranav Peethambaran aka @PranavPe1 
10) Mahesha Gunaje aka @Mahesh_Gunaje 
11) Alok Raj aka @alokraj 
12) Ankur Dhaka aka @Ankurdhaka 

How to participate in the program

  • Post your Questions in this thread to connect with your Mentor, Jeffrey, and fellow Aspirant peers.
  • Stand a chance to win the ‘Most Engaging Aspirant’ recognition from your mentor by participating in a weekly quiz.
  • Test your knowledge by replying to the unresolved questions in the Real-Time CDP and AEP community and tag your Mentor to get recognized as an ‘Exceptional Contributor’ by your mentor.
  • Stick to the schedule to cover one module/week and clear Adobe Real-Time CDP Certification during the program: July 15 – Aug 30

Suggested Next Steps for Aspirants:

  • Update your Community Profile photo with your latest headshot to stand out to your Mentor and Peer Aspirants.
  • "Like" this thread to confirm your participation in the program.
  • Introduce yourself to Jeffrey and your Aspirant peers by Replying to this Thread! Break the ice by introducing yourself (location, org/ company, etc.) and your experience with/ interest in Adobe DX stack. 
  • Post your Questions to this thread as you begin learning more about the  Adobe Real-Time CDP Business Practitioner Professional Certification (Exam ID: AD0-E602)
  • Stick to schedule and ensure you track your progress in the exam prep guide.
  • Test your learning by replying to weekly quiz by your mentor
  • Practice the modules by replying to unresolved queries in the AEP community & RTCDP Community and tag your mentor. 

Remember that every post / like / comment you make in your contextual thread and the Real-time CDP Community throughout the program helps increase your chance to be recognized by your Mentor and win exclusive Adobe swag, so bring your best efforts!

We wish you all the best as you embark on this learning journey!

31 Replies


Level 6

Hi @jpetermarias ,

I retrieve you back my answers for Week 3.

1 B
2 A & C
3 C
4 B
5 C
6 B
7 A
8 A

I got a little confused with question 5, I think because of the way it is formulated. To my understanding until the moment, it is always possible for a profile to qualify for a segment immediately, no matte of whether it is Edge or steaming. I believe the distinction lies in how you intend to use it. The criteria we apply to evaluate a streaming segment may not be applicable to an edge segment and the other way round. When we create an edge segment, I understand that the evaluation occurs on the edge server, allowing to personalize almost instantly. However, with a streaming segment, it might take more time to achieve the same result.


Please correct me if I am wrong.=)

Thanks for theses challenging questions!




Hi @ccg1706, all the answers are right except for the 5th one, as you said. For 5th one the correct answer is A.


The key point in the 5th question is that "ALL profiles". Once you create a streaming or edge audience, the profiles that satisfy the audience condition in the past 24 hours will qualify for the audience. Events streamed into the system with a timestamp older than 24 hours will be processed in the subsequent batch job.


Hence, for streaming and edge audiences, all the profiles will be included within 24 hours.




Level 6

Hi @jpetermarias,


Thanks for the clarification and the links to the documentation super helpful.





Level 2

Hi @jpetermarias ,

Here are my answers for Week 3 Quiz:

1. B
2. A,C
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. B
7.A and C
8. A


Got confused with 7th question @jpetermarias. In the monitoring Tab we will be having the radio button to select the dataflows and also to provide the time range as well. So I think A and C both can suite this question.


Please correct me if I am wrong. Happy to learn







Hi @vamsikohli, all the questions are correct except for 5 and 7.


For 5th question, I've provided my explanation in the reply to @ccg1706, so I don't want to repeat it here. Please review the comment and let me know if you have any queries.  


For the 7th question, the answer is just A; you don't have to change the time-variant to 24 hours because, by default, the monitoring dashboard shows the dataflow that occurred in the last 24 hours.



Hello everyone! ( @Gurunath_Selvaraj@ccg1706@ramakrishna3@SantoshJay@vamsikohli@harshit_a_pande@abhinav99@rinavsachdev@PranavPe1@Mahesh_Gunaje@alokraj@Ankurdhaka)


Apologies for the delay! I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and is keen to go through the Week 4 modules (the last module). Please review the RTCDP MP24 Module 4 (Aug 19): Schemas and profiles


  1. Demonstrate an understanding of Adobe Experience Platform concepts
  2. Use profile features


Important links for Module 4:


Merge Policies:  https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/profile/merge-policies/overview

Schemas: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/xdm/schema/composition

Union Schemas: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/profile/union-schemas/union-schema

Real-Time Customer Profile overview:  https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/rtcdp/profile/profile-overview

Browsing profiles in Real-Time Customer Data Platform:  https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/rtcdp/profile/profile-browse


Note: review the Dataset precedence and Timestamp ordered merge methods, private graphs, and identity stitching.


RTCDP MP24 Weekly Quiz for Week 4:


1) What is the primary purpose of Merge Policies in Adobe Experience Platform?


A) To combine different datasets into a single schema

B) To define how profile fragments are merged into a unified profile

C) To manage user permissions and access controls

D) To create visual reports and dashboards


2) Which of the following is NOT a component of an XDM schema in Adobe Experience Platform?


A) Data Types

B) Classes

C) Mixins

D) Dashboards


3) What is the function of Union Schemas in Adobe Experience Platform?


A) To create a single view of all data types

B) To manage user roles and permissions

C) To combine multiple schemas into a single schema for use in profile queries

D) To generate automated reports


4) Which of the following best describes the Real-Time Customer Profile in Adobe Experience Platform?


A) A tool for managing user permissions

B) A unified view of a customer based on data from multiple sources

C) A report generation tool

D) A schema creation tool


5) When browsing profiles in Real-Time Customer Data Platform, which of the following actions can you perform?


A) Merge different profiles

B) View individual profile attributes and their data sources

C) Create new schemas

D) Generate automated marketing campaigns


6) Which of the following is a key benefit of using Merge Policies in Adobe Experience Platform?


A) Enhanced data security

B) Improved data visualization

C) Consistent and accurate customer profiles

D) Automated data reporting


7) What is the role of Mixins in an XDM schema?


A) To define the structure of data

B) To add reusable groups of fields to a schema

C) To manage user permissions

D) To create visual dashboards


How does Adobe Experience Platform ensure that Union Schemas are up-to-date?


A) By manually updating schemas regularly

B) By automatically updating schemas when changes are made to individual schemas

C) By generating reports periodically

D) By user requests for updates


9) What type of data can be included in a Real-Time Customer Profile?


A) Only transactional data

B) Only behavioral data

C) Both transactional and behavioral data

D) Only demographic data


10) Which tool within Adobe Experience Platform allows you to browse and view individual customer profiles?


A) Merge Policies

B) Union Schemas

C) Real-Time Customer Data Platform

D) XDM Schemas


Please let me know if you have any queries/concerns. Happy Learning!


Level 6

Hi @jpetermarias ,

Here are my answers for the last quiz.


With question one I got confused because to my understanding merge policies are the rules that AEP uses to determine how data will be prioritized and what data will be combined to create a unified view, but before AEP enable to bring data fragments together from multiple sources and combine them in order to see a complete, unified view of each of your individual customers. Here I think that the key word is combine, but it confuses me.


Thanks for your help and making this learning journey so rewarding!






Hi @ccg1706, All your answers are correct. I wish you all the best for your BP certification; I know you will crack it.


Be in touch; if you have any further queries or need clarification, send me a message @jpetermarias.


Level 6

Hi @jpetermarias,


Sure I will be in touch for any queries and I'll let you  know how all it goes.


Level 2

Hi @jpetermarias 


Here are my answers for the last quiz.


Please correct me if I am wrong. Happy to learn








Hi @vamsikohli; all your answers are correct except for the 6th one; the answer is C. I understand it is a bit confusing, however, the primary objective of the merge policies is to provide consistent and accurate data for the profiles so that we can use that data in the downstream services.


Let me know if you have any further queries/doubts; feel free to message me @jpetermarias if you need clarification. 


And all the best for your certification (I know you will crack it).