Hello Team,
Welcome to the Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentorship Program 2024! This is the featured Community Discussion/Contextual thread for your Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentor, Bryan Rekrut!
Bryan Rekrut will be your dedicated mentor, providing valuable support and guidance on your Adobe Real-Time CDP queries as you upskill yourself and prepare for Real-Time CDP certification throughout the program.
Know your Mentor Bryan Rekrut (aka @brekrut )
Bryan is a second-time mentor. He led and been part of 7 Adobe RTCDP implementations, part of the 2024 Adobe RTCDP developer exam writing class, proficient within Adobe Experience Cloud and other MarTech platforms
Aspirants mapped to Bryan Rekrut
1) David Ross aka @DavidRoss91
2) Anjali Khera aka @Anjalikhera747
3) Pratheep Arun Raj B aka @PratheepArunRaj
4) Kumar Sameer aka @kumarsameer
5) Rohit Neema aka @rohit_neema
6) Thomas Kauffman aka @kauffman_tj
7) Martin Alexandrov aka @m-al
9) Yuqi Zhang aka @YuqiZh1
10) Vivek Dhiman aka @vdhim23
11) Upama Ray Chaudhuri aka @UpamaRC
12) Yahia Al-Alami aka @JoeAl1
How to participate in the program
Suggested Next Steps for Aspirants:
Remember that every post / like / comment you make in your contextual thread and the Real-time CDP Community throughout the program helps increase your chance to be recognized by your Mentor and win exclusive Adobe swag, so bring your best efforts!
We wish you all the best as you embark on this learning experience!
Link to Week 2 Contextual thread of Mentor Bryan!
Link to Week 3 Contextual thread of Mentor Bryan!
@brekrut I was referring to "4) Can you please provide the services which are used when data is ingested into the Adobe Experience Platform when a dataSet is marked for profile. " question.
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Thanks for the feedback! @brekrut
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Thanks @brekrut. Able to access the form. Great questions!
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Hi Nimasha, During the kickoff session I mentioned that my name Yahia Al-Alami appeared with two mentors. I believe you were going to clarify for me which mentor I should participate with, but I didn’t receive any clarification from you yet. Can you please clarify as we’re in the execution phase and I want to participate with the correct mentor/group? I believe I was listed under Bryan and also under Brenna. Thx
Hi @brekrut and fellow mentees. I'm Yahia Al-Alami but everyone calls me Joe. I'm based out of Cleveland OH in the US and currently working for Key Bank which is a regional bank here in the US. I have over 30 years of experience working in the IT industry in various roles. I've been working with the Adobe stack of products for over a year now. I primarily work with AEP, AJO and CJA. I'm looking forward to engaging with everyone in the next few weeks.
I have started a new discussion for the week 2 quiz. Please reach out if you have any quesetions.
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I have started a new discussion regarding segmentation. Please use the following link for the week quiz.
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You can 50% discount coupon for the certification by filling out the form link given below.
Form Link: https://forms.office.com/r/fNYJstwxKJ
Note: The form would be open to taking responses till Aug 19
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@NimashaJain - I am getting message "This form is currently not accepting responses" when accessing this form, can you please look into this ?
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Hello Everyone,
We are going to cover the three remaining modules of the Adobe RTCDP developer exam.
These modules are the following:
Please review these areas within the Adobe Experience League.
Thanks @brekrut , As I am planning to write my examination next week, do you have any quick tips for me? Appreciate your help.
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The main parts of the developer exam will be on how to model data for ingestion into the Adobe RTCDP platform. I would concentrate on this area.
Other key items to review is how records are ingested into profile, segmentation, and activation profiles.
The exam prep guide is a great reference.
As we look to close out this program by the end of August can you please complete feedback form.
Thanks for all your guidance @brekrut .Will it be possible to share the questions for future references and also if possible can you please share any doc link or any useful content which covers the approaches on how to model data on different circumstances in AEP.
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