Hello Team,
Welcome to the Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentorship Program 2024! This is the featured Community Discussion/Contextual thread for your Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentor, Bitun Sen!
Bitun will be your dedicated mentor, providing valuable support and guidance on your Adobe Real-Time CDP queries as you upskill yourself and prepare for Real-Time CDP certification throughout the program.
Know your Mentor Bitun Sen (aka @bitunsen-2022 )
Bitun comes with 2 decades of hands-on experience in working with various master data management and data warehousing applications. Currently, he is involved in providing implementation guidance and support for various customer data platform-specific engagements. Throughout his career, he has trained many co-workers in various tools and technologies including Adobe Experience Platform.
He is looking forward to help others by sharing his knowledge and skills on Adobe Experience Platform as they upskill them selves.
Aspirants mapped to Bitun Sen
1) Dhanesh Sharma aka @dhanesh_sh
2) Kana Nguyen aka @KanaNg
3) Saurabh Channe aka @SaurabhCh
4) Ankit Agarwal aka @ankitagarwal05
5) Najlaa Heerahaka @najlaah
6) Sanchari Das aka @SD_11
7) Sanjay RJ aka @SanjayR_
9) Indra Kumar Reddy Madhuru aka @inder
10) pranathi priya valapa aka @pranathipriya
How to participate in the program
Suggested Next Steps for Aspirants:
Remember that every post / like / comment you make in your contextual thread and the Real-time CDP Community throughout the program helps increase your chance to be recognized by your Mentor and win exclusive Adobe swag, so bring your best efforts!
We wish you all the best as you embark on this learning experience!
Hello @bitunsen-2022 and fellow aspirants!
I'm a specialist senior with Deloitte based out of Utah. I've been in Martech for over a decade, focused mainly on journey orchestration and am certified in Marketo and AJO. Now, I'm looking to broaden my horizons with RT-CDP. Looking forward to connecting with all of you!
Hello @bitunsen-2022 and fellow aspirants!
I am a Specialist in Technology with Synechron, based in Charlotte . With over a decade of experience in Pega Decision and Pega, I am also cross-trained in Adobe Products, AEP, and RT-CDP. As a Certified Adobe Business Practitioner, I am now aiming to expand my expertise by focusing on RT-CDP and obtaining the RTCDP Developer Expert Certification. I look forward to connecting with all of you!
Hello Bitun and everyone,
Nice to meet you all!
My name is Saurabh, and I am happy to be part of this group. My experience revolves around Adobe products since the start of my career. I began as a Web Analyst (Adobe Analytics), learned about Data Collection (Adobe Tags/Launch), gained exposure to various aspects of Digital Analytics, and recently delved into CDP (Adobe Experience Platform). I have a keen interest in learning more about CDP and am excited for the certification journey.
How would we know if the segment definition is available
Let's say we have created a streaming segment and after how much time we see this segment is active /Available to stream data to platform.
As per document we have to wait one hour for segment to available for streaming
Do we have any place in UI or API to check if the segment is up ?
Hi @Indra
As per my knowledge, so far there is no way using UI or API we can get to know the when the segment is active. While working with segments in AEP and working closely with various great support engineers we got to know that, usually it takes 2-3 hours to become one new streaming segment active and start creating audiences. I am also not aware of any defined SLA for this.
By the way - this question is great! but let us start following the agenda of this program as a team, so that we together can learn from each other's experience focusing on particular topic(s) at same point of time. Otherwise, if will be problematic for others to follow.
For this week will focus on
Section 1: Data Architecture
Thanks a lot @NimashaJain for giving me the opportunity to help this community. I am supper excited to be part of this journey.
Hi @Bitun/ @bitunsen-2022 & fellow aspirants,
I'm a Technical Architect with TAP CXM based out of New York. I do have some experience with AEP but my main focus has been Adobe campaign classic and Standard in the past. I have several certifications such as Adobe campaign classic architect, AEP business practitioner, and AJO developer.
I'm looking to broaden my RT-CDP knowledge and get certified.
Looking forward to connecting with all of you!
Thanks a lot for showing your interest in enhancing your skills by learning Adobe Experience Platform. If you are new to this platform, then I would request you to start going through the basics following the below URLs:
This URL talks about the specific areas which need to be covered for the certification we are aiming for:
To achieve this, we will try to follow the below agenda:
For Data Architecture, below are some important links you can refer as well:
Tip: Please emphasis on the "Caution", "Important" and "Notes" blocks.
I will follow up with you on a regular basis. If you all think, it would be better to talk to me as a team, please let me know, we will connect based on everyone's convenience.
Best of luck for your journey of learning!!!!
Thanks for the above URIs @bitunsen-2022
I think it would be great if we can have one kickoff call for this thread
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I would love to talk to all of you. I will schedule a 30 minutes call with you all on Monday at 11:00 PM EST.
Hope to talk to you all on that call.
I have setup a call to talk about Data Architecture of AXP at 11:00 PM EST today - Hope you all can join.
Thanks, Bitun, I will see you on the call.
Thanks a lot for joining the call - had a great conversation with the people who were able to join:
As suggested by you all, I have scheduled a follow up call on Friday (July 26th) at 6:00 PM EST. I am planning to have a quiz session as well in this meeting.
Please feel free to add all your questions regarding Data Architecture here in this channel.
Data Ingestion Guardrails
I tried to put in table , hope this helps
Source | Destination | latency | Max Size of data |
SDK / API - Streaming | Load Library | ~100ms | |
SDK / API - Streaming -Load Library | Edge Network | ~100ms | 1mb/ per record |
SDK / API - Streaming -Edge Network | Hub Profile | 15 Mins | 1MB / Per Record |
SDK / API - Streaming -Edge Network | Identity store | 10 Min Batches | |
SDK / API - Streaming -Edge Network | Data Lake | 15 Mins | |
SDK / API - Streaming -Edge Network | Analytics | 15 Mins | |
Streaming Data Stores | Hub Profile | 15 Mins | 1MB / Per Record |
Streaming Data Stores | Identity store | 10 Min Batches | |
Streaming Data Stores | Data Lake | 15 Mins | |
Enterprise Data Store Batch Data | Data Lake | 20Gb / Hr | |
Enterprise Data Store Batch Data- Data Lake | Hub Profile | 1Gb/10 Mins | |
Enterprise Data Store Batch Data- Data Lake | Identity store | 10 Min Batches | |
Source Connector - Batch | Data Lake | 200Gb / Hr | |
Source Connector - Batch- Data Lake | Hub Profile | 1Gb/10 Mins | |
Source Connector - Batch-Data Lake | Identity store | 10 Min Batches | |
Analytics Data Connector | Hub Profile | 15 Mins | |
Analytics Data Connector | Data Lake | 90 Mins | |
Analytics Data Connector | Backfill historical data | up to 4 Weeks fro 13 months | 10B Records |
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Request you to provide your answers along with justifications of your answer:
1. One eCommerce company wants to capture the product details (product name, product category, product price) purchased online by a customer. They also want to capture the latest product details (product name, product category, product price) purchased by the customer. What would be the best way of creating the necessary schemas? What are the various XDM Components you will be creating to implement this?
In my opinion, we will be needing an experience data model (XDM), Product class to capture product name, product category, product price and other set of properties that define a retail product. We can leverage pre-define field groups for Product catalog and Product Category for additional fields.
One more solution I can think of is to use relational schema to map XDM experience event schema class field with product schema.
Example: Product SKU field from XDM experience event field, mapped with product schema
If they want to store the latest product details, I will configure product name, product category, product price fields as an array in schema field definition.
2. How can we construct XDM for one-to-many relationship-based data objects in B2C based AEP
As mentioned in the above answer 1, within the schema UI, you can setup the relationship.
3. What are the allowed schema changes after marking the schema and dataset profile enabled?
4. What are the required fields you have for any experience event schema?
5. What are the 3 types of core entities we can have in AEP?
Category | Description |
Profile entities | Profile entities represent attributes relating to an individual person, typically a customer. Entities that fall under this category should be represented by schemas based on the XDM Individual Profile class. |
Lookup entities | Lookup entities represent concepts that can relate to an individual person, but cannot be directly used to identify the individual. Entities that fall under this category should be represented by schemas based on custom classes, and are linked to profiles and events through schema relationships. |
Event entities | Event entities represent concepts related to actions that a customer can take, system events, or any other concepts where you may want to track changes over time. Entities that fall under this category should be represented by schemas based on the XDM ExperienceEvent class. |
6. A retail company wants to capture the purchase information from both online and store. While purchasing from stores, customer uses phone number as identity and when they purchase from online, they log in using email address. If we want to construct one single schema to capture the purchase information in AEP, then how we will manage the identities? Note: all the purchase related information are exactly same other than the availability of email and phone.
Please go through the solution provided by Indra for #1. We can discuss further in our next call.
All others are correct.
1.One eCommerce company wants to capture the product details (product name, product category, product price) purchased online by a customer. They also want to capture the latest product details (product name, product category, product price) purchased by the customer. What would be the best way of creating the necessary schemas? What are the various XDM Components you will be creating to implement this?
Create a schema of
Individual profile schema
Create Data set
Enable for profile
Experience Event Schema
Create Data set
Enable for Profile
Productdetails Data type -- Data type can be added in both Schema
Added product data type in both Schemas