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Limitation of Lookup/Custom class in AEP RTCDP B2B



Hi All, 


I wanted to check if there are any limitation/cons of having a custom class/lookup in the AEP B2B data model apart from below (features):

1. Lookup data is not visible in the profile store only its PID associated to profile record shows up in profile store. 

2. Lookup data cannot be exported to any destination, it's attributes can only be used to built segments when lookup is profile enabled.

3. Lookup tables can be up to 1 GB in size. (https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/analytics-platform/using/cja-usecases/b2b/b2b.html?lang=en)


Any other size restriction or cons of using a lookup if you have come across please let know, will be really helpful.

Thanks in Advance!


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1 Accepted Solution


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Community Advisor
8 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @Ankita5 - I think the first 2 limitations which you have cited are applicable not just to b2b but b2c as well.


Level 2

Hello @Ankita5/@arpan-garg ,


We would like to export lookup attributes along with the profile attributes after segmentation. Is there any alternate way to achieve this functionality?




Community Advisor

Hi @sharmilap - In AEP only attributes associated with Individual profile class can be exported. For exporting lookup attributes after segmentation, the best way is to write a scheduled query that reads data from look table and export them to a dataset that is enabled for profile.


By using the above way you can directly see the lookup attributes associated with a profile and can export it.





Level 2

Hi @arpan-garg ,


Thanks for your quick response to this. I remember seeing this response to another post. However, we would like to export the lookup attributes for the audiences selected from segmentation. Wouldn't a scheduled query give me all profiles and not just the audiences from segmentation?




Community Advisor

Hi @sharmilap - Scheduled queries are just adding additional details to the profiles. You can add filter criteria in the queries to add the look up attributes to the selected profile criteria you want.


If you don't add the criteria in your query then scheduled query update all profiles with the look up data.

In either case the profile in the audience will have the attributes you are looking for.





Level 2

Thanks again @arpan-garg for your quick response. I have not worked with scheduled queries. Let me follow your advice and checkout if I can add the lookup attributes to the profile using scheduled queries. Will keep you posted. Regards.


Level 2

Hi @arpan-garg , is there any documentation available on this for me to follow? Thanks!


Correct answer by
Community Advisor