Has anyone created a source connection between Experience Platform and AWS using AWS PrivateLink (a VPC service)? I know it is available in Commerce, but I wanted to know if there was a way to do the same with AEP.
Hi Team, I created a streaming Segment in CDP, Activated it to a Destination : named : Test_MyRef_GetSupportFormStart Set it up Incremental every 3 hours. The first full load run failed with the error code : ACTBTC-1000-400 Description for the Error in Monitoring is as attached. Is this a general E...
Team, I am using https://developer.adobe.com/experience-platform-apis/references/profile/#tag/Entities to access a profile, however am not able to understand what is EntityIDstringExample: entityId=GtghAUFkdGVzdDEID of the entity. For Native XID lookup, use entityId=<XID> and leave entityIdNS absent...
Hello All, is there a way we can replicate the cookie destination or URL destination in RT-CDP? I want to read the value of the segment id that the user qualified (no need of any profile attributes) and then pass it on to Adobe Analytics (in eVar/prop or XDM variable).Context: One of my customer's m...
Data in Transit What security measures are in place to protect data moving within AEP (e.g., from the Edge to data lake, from data lake to RTCDP(UPS & UIS) , from data lake to the Edge, etc.) - The Adobe documentation says that data in transit is also protected for data outbound to external componen...
Hello, We have a use case where we need to visualize profile data enriched in Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) using Tableau. Upon researching, I found that we can connect AEP to Tableau via Query Service. However, to access real-time customer data platform (RTCDP) profile data and the events rela...
Problem I am trying to understand how to use event attribute values for: 1. Personalization 2. Data exports Event Lets say we have an Online Purchase event where eventCode = 'online purchase' that includes the following attributes: customerID accountLastFour purchaseAmount numberOfProducts Segme...
We have set up a Marketo audience to be shared and hopefully used in Adobe Target. We followed these instructions - Send a List to Adobe Experience Cloud | Adobe Marketo Engage. After submitting the audience setup in Marketo, it said the audience was sent to Audience Manager. We do not have audienc...
Hi all, I have subscribed for various alerts and I keep getting this one particular alert every day - Triggered : Activation Skipped Rate Exceeded is above 1%. The current value is 60%. The current value varies. It is sometimes 70%, 99% etc. It automatically resolves itself after a period of 3 h...
hello, anyone observed bellow of issues by chance; 1. when we activate 1 segment to Google Customer match (#email, #phone, MAIDs) the segment gets split into 3 different files in Google Ad account. Is it based on GCM rules? 2. when we activate segments to Facebook, it take up to few days for update ...