I have just installed magento for the first time in my cpanel using softaculas app installer but when i try to log in my back end to customize my webside this is the massage i am getting,"You need to configure Two-Factor Authorization in order to proceed to your store's admin area
An E-mail was sent to you with further instructions."
After checking my email several times installing and uninstalling the software i have not received any email. Kindly help me fix this issiue in order for me to log in my back end and customize my website.
email. modashoppe45@gmail.com
thank you.
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@Parvesh_Parmar @nnakirikanti @pradnya_balvir @akshaykapil23 Request you to please look at this question and share your thoughts.
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Hello @Doun254
This community is focussed on a different Adobe product and may not have any of the Magneto / Adobe Commerce SMEs looking at it.
You can try posting in - https://community.magento.com/ for magento related questions.
Hope this helps!
The problem you posted here seems to be an Admin issue from the backend. Check your Admin console if complete access has been given to your profile