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How one can create a data distiller audience?


Level 3

In Audience UI, there is a filter to group audiences by 'Data Distiller' as shown in below screenshot. So, I'm just curious how one would create data distiller audience? If possible, documentation link, please.




2 Replies


Community Advisor

Hello @ShashiCh I am not sure if this is correct. But I think it would fall under the datasets powered by query service. Like the one explained in this example: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/query/use-cases/abandoned-browse

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Level 3

Hi @_Manoj_Kumar_ ,


In Abandoned Browse Example - The audience creation origin is from 'Segmentation Service'. In this example, dataset was used to ingest a processed data through query does not make it data-distiller origin audience.


So my question was , If data-distiller option is available in the UI origin list, how one can create an audience that is originated from 'Data Distiller'?