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Automated Backup and/or Restore option for Decisions/Offers/Journeys etc.


Level 1


Description - We'd highly appreciate an option to restore key objects in the product. At the moment majority of users would like to have ability to modify objects like Decisions/Offers/Journeys etc., however there's no way to restore changes applied to them or even to lookup previous version/status of those objects.


Why is this feature important to you - since high volume of users has ability to modify all others objects (mentioned above), and there's no ownership of those objects it's very easy for someone to break others objects, either by accident or because of similarities in naming convention. We need to have this ability to restore to previous version, ability to protect them from others (sharing options) would also be useful.



How would you like the feature to work - many options:

 1. simple

    - API endpoint with lookup to previous versions of the object, and ability to append JSON response into another call to update that object to previous  version

 2. complex

   - restore button in UI (with a separate permission for Product profile or Role)


 3. Optional remedy:

   - ownership of the object, only creator can modify unless shared with other's (individuals or user groups)

   - email to object owner (if feature available) about changes to that object in the Production sandbox, with option to subscribe and unsubscribe from Alert/notification


Current Behaviour - you can only see current status of above objects even when using API, there's no way to lookup previous versions of the object. Objects are owned by everyone there's no sharing  option so easy to break someone else's offers, decisions, journeys etc. There's currently only change log available, which is not very helpful other than finding a person to blame

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